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Chaudhari Lab Members
Chaudhari Lab
Department of Radiology
University of California Davis

The Chaudhari lab is dedicated to developing cutting-edge in vivo medical imaging techniques, with a primary focus on disorders of the musculoskeletal and neurological systems. The development of these techniques is enabled through fundamentally advancing medical imaging instrumentation, acquisition, and image and data processing.

Founded in 2010 at the University of California Davis the lab has made significant and sustained contributions to the imaging of arthritis, joint biomechanics, sarcopenia, myofascial pain, neurotoxicity, stress and neurodegenerative disorders. The lab is located at the Department of Radiology, UC Davis School of Medicine and at the California National Primate Research Center, University of California Davis.

Research activities of the lab are supported by grant funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Dr. Abhijit J. Chaudhari, Lab Principal Investigator, also serves as the Director of the UC Davis Center for Molecular and Genomic Imaging, and the Interim Director of the UC Davis Imaging Research Center.