
Synapse loss in a rodent model of (A) Alzheimer’s Disease versus (B) an age- and sex-matched congenic wild-type control.

In vivo Imaging Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease

We are contributing to the design and validation of in vivo imaging measures as biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) pathogenesis and as a means for testing new AD treatments. In this work we are utilizing rodent and non-human primate models, and also performing human studies. Of specific interest are PET measures of synapse loss, altered glucose metabolism, amyloid beta and tau protein, alongside anatomical and perfusion-based markers from MRI.


Imaging of neuroinflammation in an animal model post neurotoxin exposure via TSPO PET and MRI

Imaging biomarkers of neurotoxicity

We are contributing to the development  and validation of in vivo imaging measures (PET markers of synapse loss, and neuroinflammation, alongside anatomical measures from MRI) to assess the short-term and long-term impact of exposure to neurotoxins, and response to standard-of-care and novel therapies.

Reference: B. A. Hobson, D. J. Rowland, S. Sisó, M. A. Guignet, Z. T. Harmany, S. Bandara, N. Saito, D. J. Harvey, D. A. Bruun, J. R. Garbow, A. J. Chaudhari and P. J. Lein, TSPO PET Using [18F]PBR111 Reveals Persistent Neuroinflammation Following Acute Diisopropyl-fluorophosphate Intoxication in the Rat. Toxicological Sciences, Aug 1;170(2):330-344 (2019)